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Getting Started

There are two ways to get started with Your Mom for Todoist. You can either install the Alexa skill directly from this website, or you can search for it in the Alexa app and install it from there.

One-Click Setup

Clicking the image link below will do everything for you in one step.

First, you will be asked to sign in your Amazon/Alexa account (if you are not already signed in) and allow Your Mom to do her thing. Then, you will be asked to sign in to your Todoist account (if you are not already signed in) and authorize the skill. That's it!


Manual Setup

Install Alexa Skill

Install the Your Mom for Todoist skill in your Alexa account.

Add Alexa Skill

In the Alexa app, go to the Your Mom for Todoist skill settings and link your Todoist account. Follow the prompts to log in to your Todoist account and authorize the Your Mom skill.

Link Todoist to Your Mom

❗ Attention Android Users

When linking your Todoist account in the Alexa app, The Todoist Android app may try to intercept the links. If this happens, you will end up in the Todoist app, and the auth process will fail. To work around this issue, you can open the login page in Chrome using the menu in the upper right corner of the screen as shown below.

Link Todoist on Android

Increase Your Productivity

Start adding tasks to your Todoist projects with Alexa voice commands.

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