Your Mom is your personal assistant for Todoist via Alexa
Your Mom can add, remove, and list tasks in your Todoist projects using simple voice commands via Alexa.
Just so you know...
Your Mom is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Doist.

Why does Your Mom exist?
We created this skill to replace the Alexa Shopping List because the Alexa app is absolutely terrible to use at the grocery store. Not only is it clunky to get to the list in the Alexa app, but it is often completely unresponsive -- especially when there is no wifi or weak cell signal inside the store.
Todoist, on the other hand, works perfectly at the grocery store. It also makes it easy to share your Shopping List with all of your household members. Basically, it's better in every conceivable way.
Unfortunately, Amazon removed the abillity to directly sync the Alexa Shopping List with Todoist. That's where Your Mom comes to the rescue! Your Mom makes it easy to add items directly to your Shopping List on Todoist using simple voice commands.
What can Your Mom do?
- Add Tasks (items) to any Project (list) in your Todoist account
- Read the items on your list
- Mark items as complete
- Easily switch between lists
By default, Your Mom will add tasks to your Inbox.
What is the recommended way to use Your Mom?
- Create a project called Shopping List in Todoist
- Share the Shopping List project with your family members
- Say, "Alexa, ask Your Mom to use Shopping List"
- Say, "Alexa, ask Your Mom to add bananas"
- Use the Todoist app to view your Shopping List on your phone at the grocery store
- Rejoice at how easy Your Mom has made your life! 🙌
Why is it called Your Mom?
We did a lot of testing with different names, and we found that Your Mom was easy to say (and remember!), was reliably understood by Alexa, and made people smile. We hope it makes you smile too!
Why does Your Mom charge a fee?
We would love to offer this skill for free, but there are hard costs associated with hosting and running this service. We offer a free 7-day trial so you can make sure Your Mom is right for you. After the trial, we charge a nominal $2 fee for one full year of usage. We hope you understand, and we appreciate your support!
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email us at yourmom at terribleideations dot com